ActionCOACH Southern Indiana



Is Your Business in an Eclipse?

This April there will be a total eclipse when the light from the sun will be completely obscured for about 4 minutes. Those in the path of the eclipse will see a different view of what would normally be a sunny afternoon. For some, not seeing the sun might even

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This Year I Resolve to….

We have all made this statement, filling in the blank with various resolutions: exercise more, lose 10 pounds, stop smoking, call Mom more often.  At this point in January, 80% of us have already abandoned these lofty goals.  For some, that is a relief.  For others, abandoning a resolution can

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Hero or Horror?

If you are not sure which one you are, keep reading. While our office spaces may look different these days, the need for true leadership has not changed. Hero leaders are listening to the concerns of their employees, even admitting their own struggles with quarantine issues.

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Selling in a Recession

Selling can get tougher during recessions as budgets get tight. The key is to adjust how you sell. Here are some tips for selling in challenging economic times.

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