DISC Assessments

Get a Deeper Your Understanding of Yourself and Others

What is Your Communication Style?

DISC is an assessment tool used by more than a million people every year to help improve teamwork, communication, sales and productivity.

If you want to learn how to communicate better with others, or improve communication within your team, DISC assessments and training can help.

DISC stands for the four main communication styles: (D)ominance, (I)nfluence, (S)teadiness and (C)onscientiousness.

People with D profiles tend to be confident and place an emphasis on tasks and accomplishing results.

People with I profiles tend to be more open and people-oriented, and place an emphasis on relationships and influencing others.

People with S profiles tend to be dependable and steady, and place the emphasis on cooperation and sincerity.

People with C profiles tend to place the emphasis on quality, accuracy, expertise, and competency.

Understanding your own DISC style and learning how to adapt the way you communicate to other DISC types can have a huge impact on your relationships with team members and customers.

ActionCOACH Bluegrass can provide you with all your DISC assessment needs.

We offer both individual debrief sessions and DISC training for teams.

Business Coach Sandy Merritt is also a Certified DISC Practitioner, meaning she has the expertise to perform report debriefs, consultations, seminars & workshops using the ASSESSMENTS 24X7 DISC assessment & related instruments.

Contact us about DISC

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