ActionCOACH Southern Indiana

Need to close more sales?

Learn communication techniques to maximize your chances of closing the deal at the Power Up Your Sales workshop.


Successful sales people know their customer, know the customer’s needs, and how to communicate with prospects. You need to match your prospects’ buying styles in order to close more deals.

What We’ll Cover:

The Sales session that I attended with my team was right on target for future understanding of self in a sales position and why our customers react to our products and sales the way they do. Sandy Merritt was a great session leader because nothing was forced and she allowed flexibility to converse and learn at the same time. I also very much appreciated that this session of learning was only 2.5 hours. Not a full day or several days! It gave us the chance to absorb the information quickly afterwards, and feel and understand the benefits of the sales learning overall.
Lynn Gabriel
Chief of Operations, Mainstream Fiber Networks

Get the skills you need to communicate most effectively with different types of people and maximize your chances of making the sale.

Your ticket includes a full DISC assessment so you can understand your own communication style. The assessment link will be emailed to you after your ticket purchase.

Who should attend?

  • New sales team members
  • Sales team members who need a boost in their sales
  • Business owners/solopreneurs who do their own sales

Contact Coach Sandy Merritt to schedule a Power Up Your Sales workshop for your sales team.