6 Characteristics of High Performers

I recently had the pleasure of attending the PGA Championship at Valhalla Golf Club. As I watched the top golfers in the world compete, it occurred to me that they have a lot in common with successful business leaders.

What are some of the characteristics of High Performers, regardless of the sport, or business, they are in?

1. Self-Confidence

The best performers truly believe that they can win. They also have the confidence to deal with any unexpected situations that may arise and to speak up for themselves or their teammates when appropriate. Some of them are born with this confidence, but most have to build it. 

2. Motivation

High performers are motivated by the desire to be better than not just their opponent, but their own personal best as well. Every day is a battle against their toughest competition – themselves.

3. Goal Setters

Top performers are visionaries and goal setters. They build their routines and teams around their goals.  They are results-oriented and don’t settle for what-ifs or almost.

4. Self-Discipline

They know that success doesn’t happen overnight, it comes from the daily disciplines they install in their lives and professions. They put in the early-morning workouts and power through the tough times with a focus on the prize.  They work not just on their specific craft but also their mindset, health and well-being. 

5. Open to Feedback

It’s impossible to improve unless you are willing to accept constructive criticism/feedback. Whether the feedback is from coaches/mentors, teammates/peers, or even just the results of their last effort, elite performers actively solicit feedback and listen to the team they build around them.  You cannot reach the top and stay there by yourself; it takes a team.

6. Not Afraid to Fail

Setbacks are a reality of being human. You can’t be successful if you aren’t resilient. Even after a loss, high performers stay positive and use the experience as an opportunity to learn and move forward.   Whether sports or business, there will be failures, so push yourself to fail fast, to accelerate the learning and improvement.

Are you ready to become a Top Performer in your chosen field?

Now is the time to start building your team of professionals to help you get there and stay there. Give me a shout to set a time to explore your path to High Performance.

Author: Mark McNulty, Business Coach