What’s Normal Anymore?

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My team and I have been doing everything in our power to help business owners during the crisis, and one question comes up again and again – when will we return to normal?  While I wish I had the answer they were looking for, it struck me that while the economy and our lives and businesses go through the several phases (there are 5, check out my webinar on them), we will also go through multiple “normals” over the coming month.

The first Normal we will experience is what I call NOW NORMAL.  This is the normal we are living with every day, right now.  Characteristics of this normal include Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD), plus a few characteristics we don’t typically associate with normal.  Now Normal also includes frequent changes, surprises, and unexpected turns and twists.  What this means is that we have to stop being surprised; we have to adapt and get comfortable with rapid change while we work our way through the NOW.

The second version of Normal we will experience is what I call the NEXT NORMAL.  This is the normal we will experience once our lives become more predictable and stable.  The daily changes and twists and turns will be gone, and we will be in a transition phase between Now Normal and New Normal, which will be phase 3.  NEXT NORMAL will be a temporary holding pattern for many of us, and it is when we should be deciding and then planning for what our new normal will be – we get a vote, believe it or not.  This is where WE get to define what our new normal looks like.

The third and final version of Normal we will experience is what I and many others call the NEW NORMAL.  We will not likely ever go back to the old normal (pre-COVID19), as it will have changed too many things in our lives, our teams’ lives and our customers’ lives.  That old normal is gone, to be replaced by a New Normal. What your New Normal looks like is quite dependent on you – you can influence what it looks like in your life, in your employees’ lives and in your business.  It can be much better if you decide it will, or it can be much worse if you choose to go that route.  As soon as your NOW NORMAL stabilizes and morphs into the NEXT NORMAL, it is time to start creating your vision for what the NEW NORMAL will look like for you.  What temporary actions/changes in your operations need to become permanent?  What cancelled services need to come back in a new form?  How big can you make your Comfort Zone knowing what you just survived?

If you need help finding your Next Normal or defining your New Normal, we are here to help with 10 free hours of coaching every single week from now until the NEW NORMAL is here.  Reach out to get your free session today!
