ActionCOACH Southern Indiana



Top 5 Things Employees want in a Leader

When I work with teams, one of the exercises we do is brainstorming the qualities they want in their leaders. We compile individual responses into a list and ask everyone to rank themselves on each of the qualities. We do this for a few reasons – to demonstrate that everyone

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Navigating the Awkward: Tips for Difficult Conversations

Last week at our GrowthCLUB event, Coach Sandy Merritt gave a presentation about something that’s been a big point of discussion in her management training classes…navigating crucial conversations. Very few of us enjoy having difficult conversations with our team members, but it’s a necessary evil when you’re a business leader. 

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The Fresh Start Effect

As we get into the middle of the year, many of us might feel a familiar loss of focus. This lack of focus happens when we lose track of the goals we set at the beginning of the year and find ourselves back in the drudgery of the day-to-day grind.

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6 Characteristics of High Performers

I recently had the pleasure of attending the PGA Championship at Valhalla Golf Club. As I watched the top golfers in the world compete, it occurred to me that they have a lot in common with successful business leaders. What are some of the characteristics of High Performers, regardless of

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6 Keys to Effective Leadership

The economy is always changing, your customer base is growing and changing, and buying habits change. Your world is always changing, yet in many ways it remains the same, as business is still business. The reality is a combination, with the fundamentals of business mostly unchanged, yet the business environment

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Leadership vs. Management

Leading and managing – I often see and hear business owners and their staffs use these two words interchangeably, yet they are very different in extremely important ways.  While being a “manager” is quite often a formal job title with specific responsibilities and accountability, being a “leader” is not.  Here

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Sales Doesn’t Need to Be a Dirty Word

Recently I was chatting with a business owner whose regional directors need to make more sales. He wanted them to attend sales training, but they balked at the idea. Why? None of them wanted to be perceived as the pushy car salesman type. They view “sales” as a dirty word,

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Goal Fatigue

A few months after we set our business goals, daily distractions and mundane activities start to take over. And with those comes a potential threat to your carefully crafted plans…goal fatigue. At this point in the year, the initial excitement of annual goals might wane, making them feel less urgent.

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3 Things to Avoid in 2024

Are you serious about growing your business in 2024? Don’t do these three things: 1 – Blame the Economy.  One thing that has been a recurring theme for the past few years and likely into the foreseeable future is economic uncertainty. It is tempting to blame problems or lack of

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3 Tips to Attract Abundance

Abundance is a state of having more than enough of what you need and desire. It’s not just about success or money, but also about having enough happiness and fulfillment.  If you’re looking to attract more abundance into your life through your business, here are a few powerful practices that

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Don’t Forget to Breathe

For many of us, this phrase is a reminder of that classic movie Karate Kid, and brings up images of Daniel-san painting the fence and waxing the car.  For me the images are more personal, and I now add an addition to the end of the phrase – “and Live”. 

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Planning for Success in 2024 – An Overview

It’s that time of year when our focus as Business Owners needs to balance between completing the execution of our 4th Quarter plans and creating our plan for next year.  You do have a Q4 plan, right?  And you always create Annual Plans?  With so much uncertainty as we enter

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